Saturday, June 02, 2007


The MD of the ABC Company called my boss to inform him his unhappiness about the way we do work. Telling my boss that he doesn’t not want to hear any more problem and we are not allowed to make anymore mistake in the future. Threatening my boss that if anymore mistake were to occur he will look for another supplier!

Actually, the mistake was done by his Asst Manager, confirming something without consulting me first which is the normal practice. Due to it, additional cost incurred to his company but he put the blame to us (me) saying that we are not flexible and do not put the customer interest first. Hello! You do not follow procedure, wanna blame me pulak!

Mistakes and problem will sure occur. We are human being. So, before they terminate us, boss might terminate them first. The company reputation is more important that the dollar sign.

Decision will be made this Monday.

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