Friday, December 12, 2008

One More Birthday Present To Go

One birthday down, one more to go. Their birthday is exactly one week apart. Yup! Next Tuesday will be hubby’s birthday and I still have no idea how to celebrate his birthday and what to buy for him. Every year I am faced with this dilemma of not knowing what to buy. He will always say that he does not want anything even though there are a lot of things that he needs. Maybe, the things that he needs, I can’t afford to buy for him.

He needs a new car. He needs more capital to expand his business. He dreams of owning a big bike one day. He needs a new desktop and the list goes on.

All the above, I CANNOT afford to buy for him!

That day he said he needs a new pair of pants. I was so happy knowing that I could actually buy something that I can afford and he will definitely use. Maybe I will pair it with the NFL jerseys.

Unfortunately, as I was busy shopping for my girls’ Chinese New Year dress and shoe, he went to get the pair of pants for himself. Now, I am back to square one. What to buy for his birthday present???

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