Thursday, April 12, 2007


I read from Immomsdaughter that Fummo is a scam! Thank God I did not register for it. Now I am kinda suspicious about Bloggerwave. It's feature is almost the same as PPP like cut and paste kinda thing. Well, I registered and blog about Bloggerwave. Some say they are out to hack your paypal account. So, please, please make sure your paypal account does not have the same password as your email account. If it does, you can say bye-bye to your money there. Quick go change your password now.


Anonymous said...

Yes, that's what I think about Bloggerwave. They're out to get passwords or something.

Sweetpea said...

weh... u SKED me larr... tru arr??

Sweetpea said...

so if paypal password and my bloggerwave acct. password different means safe izzit?

Michelle said...

i tried login in, i use the correct password cannot go in. i tried another password can go in. if you click any other page beside the home page, u get error msg...u suspicious or not?

pws not the same should be safe but i still go and change my paypal pwd. :D