Thursday, January 31, 2008

February Supposed To Be Marketing Month

On January 2, 2008, hubby went back to work full time. He used to have 2 assistants. One for morning shift and another, night shift. The morning shift assistant resigned on the 31st of December 2007. So no more playing MoSiang all day at home. :P

Since he started working, the business shows much improvement especially the smell and the cleaniness. I really cannot stand the “hapak” smell when I go to visit the shop with hubby. Like no ventilation like that. And the tables and the computers are all very dusty even after hubby told them many times to wipe them the first thing when they come to work.

Hubby also added a new business printer which is very economical and we are able to charge our printing charges at a very low price. Besides the printer, we also added a binding machine. Then the sales started to increase.

That was in the month of January. Hubby planned to do some marketing in the month of February but his only assistant took a week of due to family problem and with the coming of Chinese New Year, hubby does not have time to do his own marketing. Maybe we should consider hiring the Marketing Company who is an expert in this field. I wonder whether there is a government grant for this. Hehe.

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