Thursday, December 27, 2007


After knowing that one of my blogger friends bought an LCD TV recently with the money she earned from paid post, I am so tempted to get the Toshiba 50 include LCD.

Unfortunately I have to push away that thought for the time being because I don’t earn much from paid post anymore plus I will be resigning soon, so I need to save as much as I can if my other potential online income does not realize.

Praying really hard that everything will go on as desired and I will start working for them next week. And they would want my service for years to come.

2 comments: said...

money, hmm it sure doesn't last long does it? he he he check my blog

eastcoastlife said...

Hello Miche!
Long time no see.

You are resigning!? To be full-time housewife?

Wishing you a new year.....
lit up with good times, bursting with fun and sparkling with a whole lot of joy!