Friday, December 21, 2007

Kindy Fee

My girls' kindy fee is more than my 2 semester university fee, almost RM1200 for half a year! But then as parent, we always want the best them. I am considered blessed living in Malacca. Those living in KL, that is the price for one child.

If I really cannot afford it later, I can opt for the government kindy which only cost RM60 for a month, 3 hours a day but bigger class. Not as in the building but the number of children in the class. Some can go up to 30 children in a class.

My girls' kindy is limited to 10-15 children a class and I pay RM160 for the same number of hours. They receive more attention from the teacher.

If worst case scenario, I homeschool them. FOC. :)

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