Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Rejected by PPP again

First time, my fault coz I left this blog idle for more than 90 days. This time it is about my archives.

"Thank you for your blog submission! I was unable to find a link to your archives. Please make sure that it is in plain site and that your archives list chronologically, not categorically. Also, the archives cannot be just 'previous pages.' For example, it should be set up to where I could find a post on Sept. 30th very quickly. Please re-submit when this requirement has been met. Thank you!"

And I don't understand the above. Newey, not gonna re-submit again as there are not many opps for blogspot in PPP. Started a new blog call Sketches of Life at liquidblade. Please link me... No obligation to read though. :D


Unknown said...

Gal, u have so many blogs, isn't it hard to maintain?

Anonymous said...

i'm gonna abandon this one again once my new blog got PR2. :P

Sweetpea said...

this one got PR2 also wat.. why abandon? sayang worr

Anonymous said...

You must be doing something right because you're the blog of the day at PPP. Congratulations! :-)

Michelle said...

I am so happy!!! My blog just got approved yesterday and today is the first time I wrote for PPP too!